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 Any small positive actions may  bear urge impacts in peoples’ lives                        D O N A T E

United for Humanitarian Services, Inc.

We Believe


School supplies, Cars, Money, Gift cards, Office supplies, Toy, Entertainment items, Household items, Comfort items and more…

we believe in a community where hopeless and other vulnerable people have access to equal opportunities
We are collecting donations in kind, clothes, Computers, Cars and other valuable asserts for deprived communities in CONGO, BURUNDI and TANZANIA. Click ‘DONATE’ or complete our inquiry form to get involved
Community Based Services :
-Housing (buy/Sell house)
-Language Services, 
-Green Card/Permanent Resident 
-Citizenship application 
-Travel Documents  Application 
-Job Application 
-Auto /home Insurance 
-Computer Literacy
– Citizenship application 
-Referral Services
-Funeral Mutual Aid
Sexual and Gender Based Violence Prevention 
– Drug and Substance Abused Prevention 
– Refugee Education Empowerment.
Connect with prayer team at 

We Strive

to provide humanitarian services and promote sustainable development to vulnerable communities.

Language Services 

You can instantly complete your generous donation by following the link bellow

C/o Programs Director
838 E High St.
Lexington, KY40502
Schedule your appointment at:
HUMANITY for us means Love your neighbor as you love yourself
About US

Who We Are

A 501 (c) (3) with focus on humanitarian and community development programs. The organization is supporting refugees, low-income families and people with special needs  in Kentucky (USA). We have expended our activities in The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

African churches community leaders brainstorming on economic freedom and household safety strategies in a workshop held in Lexington by “Commonwealth Referral Group”
At the MSF hospital in Baraka city. Children loosing life by kwashiorkor. Support and save one’s life.
2020 volunteers for environmental management
Micro projects (IGA) for women victims of violence in wart-one zone.
African communities leaders in a work shop on violence prevention strategy focused on preventing power-based personal violence – sexual violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder abuse, bullying and stalking. Led by Green Dot Lexxington
Emo ‘ya Mmbondo Lexxington community benefiting from a “love your neighbor” training. This is a refugee community safety program
EMMUS leaders community leaders challenges brainstorming workshop. Held in Iowa by EMMUS.
What We Do

Our Programs

Funeral Mutual Aid

We help families that are unable to pay for funeral cost, to not double stress themselves, by mobilizing neighboring families, friends and relatives to mutually aid each other.
W e help with language services and transportation as need. We also help find less costfull funeral services across the area.

Violence prevention

Gender Based Violence prevention Trainings, language services, transportation, recreation and psychological counseling. We provide newly arriving refugees with access to basic necessities and help them in the journey to integrate.

Community Development

Women, children and Youth empowerment through involvement in solving day to day challenges that affect their lives as well as strengthening their potentials... income generating activities, enterpreneural and self reliance skills are being provided

Environment Management

Facilitation of education on community-based environment management including hygiene basics, water, electric and waste management.

Our Partners

Help us Reach More People

We provide humanitarian services and promote sustainable development to vulnerable communities.